The McDermott's are all smiles and laughs. But it wasn't long before I was laughing with them. The oldest son said, "I gotta fart." He let 'er rip, then explained, "Mom, I had to." He wasn't shy at all. With his big brown eyes glowing, one couldn't help but excuse him. That was the first time I've ever had that happen, and it still has me laughing. Thanks McDermott's, it was a pleasure.
Sometimes (that sometimes being strongly emphasized!) it seems when couples start to have children, the focus is more on the children than the husband and wife's relationship. Not true of the Waddell's. While taking pictures, Bob told me to make sure to get some of him and his wife, Val. There's not too many times that I get that remark from families. I thought that was remarkable. What I know for sure is the Waddell's are still in love as ever. It was refreshing to see.
And they have some super cute kids to show for it as well. The last picture just makes me laugh... no Fruit Loops or drink could help this, Grady was ready to go! :)
Little Creighton can run! She didn't have any problem tearing through the tall grass to get to the tricycle. There was a few times she fell down, but she was quick to get up and look to her mom or dad with tear-filled eyes and say, "Kiss It!" while holding her body. It's amazing what a kiss can do to a young child.
Justin & Breanna's wedding will be one I won't soon forget. They weren't worried about much that day. I loved their easy-goin' style, which was easily shown by their tennis shoes. Justin purchased his shirt and tie the day before. Brenna forgot her dress at home, and her bouquet was called in the day before. No big deal. The only thing that mattered was them, a few family members at the ceremony, and a party with friends afterward. OH AND the cake, which the groom made himself!
Everything went off without a hitch. To me, it was a true testimony of their love and perhaps what more weddings should be like. Congrats Justin & Breanna!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life...
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