Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Everything's changed. The boots in the shed are no longer his. His pickup sits lonely. The cattle no longer fed by him. Can good come from this? Perhaps. Is this a sad thing? Absolutely.

On a recent trip home, it really hit me what "cherish your memories with him" really means. Missing my dad after five years, I look back at what has all changed. Some for the good- I close my eyes and dream of him at peace, watching the sun set everyday with his feet kicked up. What a life...

Some for the bad- my family has clashing views. While some may not be at peace, I am, knowing that the matter is out of my control and life moves on. Life changes. Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it. If one chooses the non-peaceful route, then forever unsettled the heart will be.

Traveling back to Omaha, looking in my rearview mirror, I was left breathless with a tear in my eye. The stunning sunset was a sign. A sign of peace.

At peace he is. And so am I.

Special Kind of Love

You know a couple is in love when you don't have to tell them to kiss. And so was true of Dawn and Mike on their wedding day. Their love for each other radiated that day. It's my hope that their love continues to grow through the years. Congrats Pielsticks!