I've never had a couple that has goofed around and laughed so much with pictures. I'm not quite sure if this is how they always act, or if Krista was just trying to make Chris feel comfortable with getting his picture taken. Either way, it's a good thing. There's a lot of energy in this couple. My little firecracker couple. Wedding day: July 2. Sure go go off with a bang!
"Kellen McLaughlin, Chicken Chaser." You haven't lived until you've chased chickens with him. With fire in his eyes, he couldn't help but run to each hen house stirring up trouble. The cackling was horrendous! Hens were flying out of doors, out of windows, running though mud (including Kellen in his new shoes...sorry mom!) It was chaos. No fear. 110 mph. His mama tells me he had the time of his life out there. Not so sure he was the only one. Did I mention he has a brother? I can hardly wait until next year.
This blonde beauty was a challenge to get a smile out of until we started playing peek-a-boo and singing happy birthday. I think her daddy's voice was hoarse by the time we left. So happy to have shared her first year with her, what a blessing.
I got a kick out of Tous and Kate. Tous kept his hat on the whole time (nevermind that it bent his ears down, he's a true cowboy). And Kate's blonde hair is just gorgeous and as pure as her little "love" necklace she wore around her neck. You can't look at them and not smile. Try it.
Ok fine, you got me. I'm a touch behind on blogs. Born a midst the snow, I could not resist sharing this snow angel with you. Seeing her all cozy in the blankets makes me miss winter. Almost.
I said it once, and I'll say it again...I LOVE DOWN-HOME GOODNESS! Whitney is so strong with feeling it brings a tear to my eye. From the moment she introduced me to Ryan, I could tell how awestruck she was by him. I recall Whitney emailing me before her wedding. She typed, "Some girls dream of being a princess, I dream of being inside a country music video with a cute little dress and wavy hair and dancing off into the sunset with my country boy." And that she did.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life...
Welcome to my blog! I'm so glad you're here! If it's your first time visiting, enjoy your time here and please come by again. I'm always up to new things and would love to share them with you. I believe myself to be a very positive thinker, taking pleasure in the small things in life. It's true...life is sweet. You just have to look what is in front of your face and cherish it.