I've photographed the Frazee's children many times, so when we meet up they always know who to look for. As they were awaiting my arrival downtown, Aiden and his sister, Brianna, were trying to pick me out of the crowd of people. One time Aiden pointed at a lady and said, "There she is!" Brianna was quick to correct him and said, "That's not her, Kam wears a ponytail and a camera." I laughed as their mom retold this story to me. It's amazing to see what kids pick out in their minds. I guess I can never cut my "trademark" hair for the Frazee's sake. Once again, I enjoyed taking Aiden's pictures. What a beautiful fall afternoon.
The Kirsch girls are pretty automatic. If the busy, now-walking Arvie goes somewhere, not far behind is her older sister, Cyan. It was pretty cute watching them the day of the shoot. No matter where the younger one was the older one followed, guided her way, and occasionally helped up and brushed off Avrie's knees. It won't be long where the roles will be reversed, Avrie will be looking up to and following in the footsteps of her role model sister.
The Kalkowski family and I met on a brisk, fall morning. It wasn't long before noses were red and kids were running around to keep warm. Through the chill, Grammy smiled. One of her four son's spoke up and said they had never had a family picture together. How great they finally decided it was time! I was so glad to be a part of it. Grammy's group is quite the bunch... down-right loving, helpful, and enjoyable to be around. I couldn't ask for much more.
"Do you want to be married, or do you want a marriage?" was a question I heard over the t.v. the other day. Any more, people get caught up in buying the flashiest rings, sending the most extravagant invites, and having the most exquisite reception with exquisite decorations. Some get caught up in the material things and forget why the day is so special. Just the opposite was the case at Matt & Amy's wedding. Amy wasn't particular on how things looked, the reception was decorated simply, and marrying the man of her dreams was the most important thing on her mind that day. They both have great parents for role models, both married and exemplifying what a marriage should be. Even through Amy's dad's dementia, her mom was never far from his side. What a great example of how to have a marriage, not just being married. (hands are those of the bride and her mother and father)
The Henry's dressed very casual and simple, yet classy, in jeans and black shirts. As I photographed their colors came out, not only in their personalities, but within the pictures. The color of their blue jeans sparked with the richness of the doors behind them. Their smiles gleamed like the fall's golds, oranges, and reds turning with the sun. The Henry's didn't need to wear color, their color was in and around them.
For many reasons, I felt very fortunate the day of my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. With the divorce rate being 50% today, most will not get to see their grandparents enjoy a special day such as this. For that, I am blessed. One thing that marked the occasion for me was dancing with my grandpa. He kept the beat very well, and led me around the dance floor. You could see the gladness, joy, and pride in his eyes. For him, what a milestone. For me, what a honor.
It was a beautiful day for a wedding. And the colors chosen were outstanding — a soft coral and brown set the fall tone. The bride's dress even contained brown satin in it. That was the first time I had seen brown in a dress. I loved it! I could tell that Tiffany and Nick were excited to start their life together as a couple. Congrats on your marriage. May you live happily ever after...
I'm willing to bet that Brianna suckers a lot of neck rubs out of Tim. Her poor little neck stretches to look directly up at him. She goes on the tips of her toes to give him a kiss. I found it pretty darn cute. Congratulations again to a great couple. I'm looking forward to partaking in your wedding next year!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life...
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