"Do you want to be married, or do you want a marriage?" was a question I heard over the t.v. the other day. Any more, people get caught up in buying the flashiest rings, sending the most extravagant invites, and having the most exquisite reception with exquisite decorations. Some get caught up in the material things and forget why the day is so special. Just the opposite was the case at Matt & Amy's wedding. Amy wasn't particular on how things looked, the reception was decorated simply, and marrying the man of her dreams was the most important thing on her mind that day. They both have great parents for role models, both married and exemplifying what a marriage should be. Even through Amy's dad's dementia, her mom was never far from his side. What a great example of how to have a marriage, not just being married. (hands are those of the bride and her mother and father)
Today is the first day of the rest of your life...
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