I would usually say that children are my favorite subjects when it comes to photography. However, after my afternoon with Eric & Bekah, I think differently. They are such laid back couple. Always smiling and laughing. They were heart-warming to be around. If I could add my opinion, I think they are perfect fit. Just as I said it, they know it. I'm looking forward to July with them.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life...
Welcome to my blog! I'm so glad you're here! If it's your first time visiting, enjoy your time here and please come by again. I'm always up to new things and would love to share them with you. I believe myself to be a very positive thinker, taking pleasure in the small things in life. It's true...life is sweet. You just have to look what is in front of your face and cherish it.
Love the third one!! Sunflare=yummy!