Having shot Dan & Anne's engagement pictures, I knew Anne carried a big smile and contagious laugh. On the special day, she also carried a big dress. It's also one of the most beautiful dresses I've seen. The satin sheen and flow of the gathered beads was delightful and looked absolutely stunning on her. Anne's smile was contagious, as Dan couldn't help but smile back as she walked up the aisle.
Brinley definitely has her mama's beautiful big brown eyes. What a sweet, sweet little girl! With number two on the way, they are sure to be blessed again with another brown eyed beauty!
The Waddell's recently moved to Kansas City. If I had a sad face like Mia's to show how I felt about a good client moving away, that would be it. Hope all is well in KC, Waddell family. I hope we can cross paths again sometime.
There's only two times I get goose bumps without it being cold. #1- When I get a really good hit in volleyball. (I know, I know...give it up Kam you're not in high school anymore. But there's just something about it.) #2- When I see the bride walk down the aisle...first the look she gives her dad, then the look she gives her husband to be. Sends shivers down my spine and my eyes well up with tears.
On the day of Robin and Jeff's engagements I got another type of goose bumps... from it being just too darn cold! Jeff & Robin powered through like champs. By the end I actually forgot how cold it was, I was having so much fun with them. Looking forward to the "good" goosebumps on their wedding day.
The Riesberg boys brought their teddy bears to the shoot. We aren't talking about their brand new teddy bears. We're talking "mom's washed these 256 times, because we drug them through dirt and mud puddles" teddy bears. Fur matted and eyes somehow still intact, I can tell these bears go everywhere. These bears get a lot of love and a lot of hugs. We covered a lot of ground on our shoot; I'm willing to bet mom washed the bears when they got home. :)
Had I wrote this blog a month ago, I would have told you how excited I was to go to Mexico to see Paul and Krista get married. It's always great going on vacation, but even better when you are going with a group of friends and family. Then you throw in a wedding... AWESOME! Trust me, church weddings are beautiful, but there is something about being in a foreign place surrounded by the ones you love and seeing 2 become 1. Truly it's not the details that may have not gone right (rain!?), but spending time with the ones you love. Awesome week. Even more awesome couple. {pictures of the big day to come!}
My name has never sounded any sweeter than coming from the lips of little Emerson who was just learning to talk. "Hi Kami!" What a little blonde cutie! And the most fun shot of the day was when we were finished and walking to the car. Emerson found the neatest little spot in a tree to rest in. Sometimes when you just let kids do their thing, they give you the cutest photo opportunity. You can bet this session ended with a, "Bye Kami!" too. :)
What a trio! The first shot pretty much says what this shoot was about: a cute little sister just trying to put up with her two big brothers. And she does a pretty good job I might add! The Lord family is blessed with quite the beautiful trio.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life...
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